Weighing-In Live Fish
Three of the six weigh-in stations are set up to accommodate the Catch & Release fish: Martin’s General Store in Highgate Springs, Hog Island Market in West Swanton and J&S Fisheries in St. Albans.
We realize that some of you may have to travel further distances to one of these weigh stations to enter a Catch & Release fish, and stress the importance of getting the fish there as quickly as possible.
In appreciation for your extra effort, participants who enter a Catch & Release fish will be placed in a drawing for one of three cash prizes. Due to some misuse of the Catch & Release category, (Example: One person weighing in 10+ live perch all under a reasonable weight to receive 10+ chances to have their name entered) we are limiting the number of times your name can be entered into the category to three. You may weigh in and release as many fish as you would like, but you will only receive three chances to have your name entered to be drawn.
To weigh-in a fish for Catch & Release, the fish must be placed in a cooler with water as soon as it is caught. Fish do not have eyelids, so should their eyes freeze, they will die eventually, though appearing to be alive.
Derby officials will determine if a fish is eligible for Catch & Release. The prizes for Catch & Release are as follows: 1st place will receive $100, 2nd place will receive $50 and 3rd place will receive $25. The winners will be drawn at the virtual award ceremony on Sunday, Feb. 13, 5:30 p.m. on Facebook
We realize that some of you may have to travel further distances to one of these weigh stations to enter a Catch & Release fish, and stress the importance of getting the fish there as quickly as possible.
In appreciation for your extra effort, participants who enter a Catch & Release fish will be placed in a drawing for one of three cash prizes. Due to some misuse of the Catch & Release category, (Example: One person weighing in 10+ live perch all under a reasonable weight to receive 10+ chances to have their name entered) we are limiting the number of times your name can be entered into the category to three. You may weigh in and release as many fish as you would like, but you will only receive three chances to have your name entered to be drawn.
To weigh-in a fish for Catch & Release, the fish must be placed in a cooler with water as soon as it is caught. Fish do not have eyelids, so should their eyes freeze, they will die eventually, though appearing to be alive.
Derby officials will determine if a fish is eligible for Catch & Release. The prizes for Catch & Release are as follows: 1st place will receive $100, 2nd place will receive $50 and 3rd place will receive $25. The winners will be drawn at the virtual award ceremony on Sunday, Feb. 13, 5:30 p.m. on Facebook